Moving Fox

Osteopath & Movement Specialist

Group Movement Classes

Discover two unique movement classes at The Little Escape Studio in Crystal Palace! 

Restore & Renew: Improve spinal and joint mobility with a blend of Pilates, functional movements and breathing techniques. Ideal for beginners, those recovering from back pain, or those seeking a gentle, effective Saturday routine.

Strong Foundations: Compound movements to improve your function, strength and balance. Bulletproof your body for everyday life or weekend sporting activities. Whether you’re new or experienced, this class fosters resilience, injury prevention, and a stronger, more functional body. 


My approach is grounded in the belief in the body’s innate ability to heal, a cornerstone of osteopathic philosophy. I enhance this approach with personalised evidence-based exercise programs. Beyond traditional hands-on therapy, I specialise in teaching functional movements and rehabilitation exercises tailored to meet your individual needs and embrace a whole-body perspective. My method extends beyond mere recovery; I encourage self-empowerment and provide education and strategies necessary for a more dynamic and effective pathway to health.
Whether recovering from an injury, managing chronic discomfort, or pursuing new fitness goals, I offer personalised support and guidance. My ultimate goal is to assist you in achieving an active and balanced lifestyle, whether it’s your next walk in the park or your next marathon.

1-2-1 Movement Coaching

I offer personalised Pilates coaching, supporting your pregnancy and postpartum recovery journey. Physical preparation is a crucial element at all stages of pregnancy and postpartum, as it helps to strengthen and rehabilitate the pelvic floor, abdominal and back muscles and hips. I tailor my sessions to foster strength, resilience, and well-being during these transformative phases of life.
My one-to-one functional movement rehabilitation is perfect if you want to return to exercise, achieve new fitness goals, or recover from injuries. I integrate my osteopathy, Pilates, and functional movement expertise to create an approach that accelerates your recovery and addresses immediate limitations with weekly personalised exercise plans. I provide accountability and progress check-ups and ensure you’re supported every step of the gradual and sustainable return to your favourite activities and lifestyle.

Sports & Remedial Massage

In my sports and remedial massage treatments, I blend soft tissue release and stretching to alleviate muscular tension, use osteopathic joint mobilisation to enhance movement and apply neuromuscular techniques for pain relief.
What sets me apart is my ability to integrate my expertise in osteopathy with tailored functional exercise recommendations. In addition to immediate comfort, my approach offers long-term benefits, aiding rehabilitation and injury prevention. Whether you’re an athlete or seeking relief from physical discomfort, I will support your journey towards your goal.

How I Can Assist You

Mobility & Strength

Personalised Movement Analysis

Following a thorough movement analysis, I can create a customised plan to help you achieve your fitness and wellness goals by understanding your unique needs.

Remedial Exercises

Lower Back Pain Rehabilitation

I use osteopathic techniques, functional movement, and corrective exercises to help people recover from lower back pain, address pain causes, support healing, and improve spinal health.

Breathing Techniques

Shoulder Function Restoration

I incorporate manual therapy and strengthening exercises applied to the whole body, not just the shoulder, to reduce the pain and improve the function.

Lower Back Pain

Improved Movement Efficiency

I help you improve your fundamental movement patterns, strength, coordination and balance to enhance your athletic performance, prevent injuries, or move better daily.

Movement Variety

Muscle & Joint Health Solutions

If you are experiencing muscle tension or restricted movements, I can help alleviate tension and improve joint mobility through targeted massage techniques and personalised exercises.

Spinal & Joint Health

Ankle & Foot Health

I provide post-injury rehabilitation and help improve foot and ankle function, which can help optimise movement for the rest of the body. I educate on footwear choices to support natural foot movement.

About Me

I’m Auste, your dedicated movement specialist and osteopath. Certified in sports massage and 3DMAPS® movement analysis, I offer tailored services like osteopathy, massage, clinical Pilates, and functional movement coaching. My focus on natural and functional movement patterns adapts to individuals of all backgrounds, including dancers, office workers, and health enthusiasts, in today’s bustling urban environment. With an in-depth understanding of musculoskeletal conditions, I provide personalised care for a balanced, stronger and healthier you.

What my Clients Say

“I have been going to Austes wonderful classes for several months now and I’m addicted. I feel so good whilst doing the class and after. I have been to both her Saturday and Mondays classes which are brilliant.“


“I used to get back pain every one or two months for many, many years. Ever since I started seeing Auste I haven’t experienced the same pain at all for almost a year. I am very grateful for all the tips learned in her classes to strengthen my core (Strong Foundations) in addition to the osteopathy sessions that have been extremely helpful.”



The Little Escape clinic and studio are next door to each other, located just behind the Blackbird Bakery, off Westow Street in Crystal Palace. Watch this video to help you to find us.

The Clinic

4 Paxton Mews, Crystal Palace, London SE19 3RW

The Studio

3 Paxton Mews, Crystal Palace, London SE19 3RW

Have questions or want to learn more?

Contact me today to discover how my unique blend of hands-on therapies and movement coaching techniques can help you achieve your goals!

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